Sunday, August 23, 2009

My First Treasury!

I am so excited! I've been waiting for days for a treasury spot to open and I finally got one. If you don't know what a Treasury is, here is the description from Etsy:

"The Treasury is a member-curated gallery of short-lived lists of 12 hand-picked items each. Members can feature their favorite items, items selected on a theme or just whoever they like. The Treasury is not intended for self-promotion, but instead to acknowledge and share the many cool things for sale on Etsy. Admin often choose an exceptional Treasury list to promote to the the homepage hand-picked items. "

So here is mine. Comment on it and who knows, maybe it will make it to the front page!

1 Comment:

thatdesigngal said...

What a fantastic Treasury, I love everything that you picked! Isn't it crazy how hard it is to get one--

Thank you for following! Most definitely returning the love!

Please feel free to stop by anytime!
